1 Georgian glass
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > Georgian glass
2 Georgian glass
3 Georgian glass
Техника: армированное стекло -
4 glass
1) стекло3) зеркало4) стеклянная тара, стеклотара || упаковывать в стеклотару5) стакан; бокал6) мн. ч. очки•-
acidproof glass
actinic glass
adiactinic glass
alarm glass
alcohol test glass
alkali glass
alkali-free glass
aluminosilicate glass
amber glass
anaglyph glasses
antiactinic glass
antidazzle glass
antiglare glass
armored glass
art glass
avanturine glass
barium glass
base glass
bend glass
beveled glass
blank glass
blown glass
bone glass
borate glass
borosilicate glass
bottle glass
bottom glass
broken glass
building glass
bulletproof glass
cabal glass
cased glass
cast glass
cellular glass
ceramized glass
cerise glass
chalcogenide glass
chart-reading glass
chemical glass
chip-mounting glass
cladding glass
clear glass
clear window glass
clock glass
cloth glass
clouded glass
colored glass
colorless glass
commercial glass
complex glass
conductive glass
container glass
cooking glass
corrugated glass
cover glass
crown flint glass
crown glass
crushed glass
crystal glass
crystalline glass
cut glass
dead glass
decorative glass
devitrified solder glass
dimming glass
double glass
double-strength glass
expanded glass
face glass
fancy glass
fiber glass
figured glass
filter glass
finely crushed glass
fireproof glass
flashed glass
flat glass
flint glass
float glass
fluid glass
fluoride glass
fluorine-doped silica glass
fluted glass
foam glass
frosted glass
frozen glass
gage glass
Georgian glass
germanosilicate glass
glare-resistant glass
glazing plate glass
granulated glass
green glass
grooved glass
ground glass
hard glass
hardened glass
hearth glass
heat-absorbing glass
high-melting glass
high-silica glass
high-temperature glass
high-transmission glass
hollow glass
horizon glass
hot glass
household glass
illuminating glass
index glass
iron glass
laboratory glass
laminated glass
lead crystal glass
lead glass
light glass
light-sensitive glass
lime glass
lime-soda glass
liquid glass
long glass
low iron glass
low-melting glass
manifold plate glass
marbled glass
medical glass
mirror glass
mixed-alkali borate glass
mold-blown glass
molded glass
molten glass
moonstone glass
natural glass
neck glass
noncrystallized solder glass
nuclear waste glass
obscured glass
observation glass
opacified glass
opal glass
ophthalmic glass
optical glass
organic glass
ornamental glass
overlaid glass
oxide glass
pane glass
particulate glass
phase-separated glass
phosphate glass
photoceram glass
photochromic glass
photosensitive glass
pigmented glass
plain weave glass
plate glass
ply glass
polished glass
polished plate glass
powder glass
pressed glass
prism glass
processed glass
pyrex glass
quartz glass
quick-setting glass
reduced glass
refined glass
refractory glass
resin glass
rolled glass
ruby glass
safety glass
sealing glass
seal glass
semicrystal glass
shaped glass
shatterproof glass
sheet glass
shielding glass
short glass
sialon glass
sight glass
silica glass
silicate glass
silvering glass
single strength glass
slag glass
soda glass
soda-free glass
soda-lime glass
soft glass
solder glass
soluble glass
soundproof glass
space-manufactured ultrapure glass
spectacle glass
spin-quenched glass
sponge glass
stained glass
striated glass
structural glass
sun glass
tank glass
technical glass
tempered glass
ternary glass
tint glass
toughened glass
transfer glass
translucent glass
tuyere glass
TV glass
uviol glass
visionproof glass
vitreous glass
waste glass
water glass
window glass
wire glass
wired glass
woven glass -
5 армированное стекло
ferroglass, armored glass, Georgian glass, wire glassАнгло-русский словарь технических терминов > армированное стекло
См. также в других словарях:
Georgian Glass and Mineral Water — Produkt des Unternehmens: Bordschomi Mineralwasser Georgian Glass and Mineral Water Co. N.V. (GG MW) ist ein georgisch niederländisches Unternehmen. Es wurde 1995 gegründet und ist der größte Mineral und Heilwasserhersteller Georgiens. Die Firma… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Georgian glass — /dʒɔdʒən ˈglas/ (say jawjuhn glahs) noun a common type of opaque glass, often used in roof lights, and frequently wired to prevent accidents when broken. Also, Georgian wire glass, Georgina glass …
Georgian cuisine — refers to the cooking styles and dishes with origins in the nation of Georgia and prepared by Georgian people around the world. The Georgian cuisine is specific to the country, but also contains some influences from the Middle Eastern and… … Wikipedia
GEORGIAN STYLE — The Georgian style of architecture, traditionally dated from 1690 to 1790, is the earliest distinctive style of European construction developed by North American settlers. After attaining a level of stability and prosperity that finally… … Historical Dictionary of Architecture
Depression glass — Pink Sunflower patterned depression cake plate Depression glass is clear or colored translucent glassware that was distributed free, or at low cost, in the United States around the time of the Great Depression. The Quaker Oats Company, and other… … Wikipedia
Duncan & Miller Glass Company — Duncan Glass mark Former type Partnership (1865 1900) Corporation (1900 1955) Industry Glass manufacturing … Wikipedia
Borjomi — Blick auf Bordschomi Bordschomi (georgisch ბორჯომი) ist ein Kurort mit 13.826 Einwohnern in der südgeorgischen Region Samzche Dschawachetien. Er liegt auf 820 m ü. NN im Kleinen Kaukasus am Fluss Kura und ist für sein gemäßigtes Klima, seine N … Deutsch Wikipedia
William Peckitt — (1731 – 14 October 1795) was an English glass painter and stained glass maker. He was based in York throughout his working life, was one of the leading Georgian glass craftsmen in England and helped “keep the art of glass painting alive during… … Wikipedia
Bordschomi — Blick auf Bordschomi Flagge des Ortes Bordschomi ( … Deutsch Wikipedia
Боржоми (минеральная вода) — У этого термина существуют и другие значения, см. Боржоми. Бутылка минеральной воды «Боржоми» … Википедия
com|port — com|port1 «kuhm PRT, POHRT», verb, noun. –v.t. to conduct (oneself) in a certain manner; behave: »A judge should comport himself with dignity. –v.i. to agree (with); suit: »Silliness does not comport with the position of judge. SYNONYM(S): accord … Useful english dictionary